Australia Approves Construction Of 900 Megawatt Solar Farm In New South Wales
The Australian state government of NSW approved the Yarrabee Solar Project, a 900 megawatt (MW) solar farm, which will be one of the biggest in the Country.
Reach Solar Energy, the company behind the project will build the project in 3 phases of 300 MW at Yarrabee Park NSW. The solar PV panels used in the project will be on a six-axis tracking system and feature energy storage. Reach Solar Energy are also behind the 275 MW Bungala Solar Project, which is currently the biggest operational solar farm in Australia.
The company hopes that the $1 billion projects will bring in 600 new jobs in construction as well as provide enough energy for 315,000 homes.
When built, this new solar farm will have the capacity to power a city nearly twice the size of Newcastle,” said NSW Minister for Energy, Don Harwin, welcoming the project’s approval and claim that it facilitates a win-win situation.